
Text us at (515) 582-8621, or call us at (515) 587-8649. Email: info@balancedhormonehealth.com

Achieve optimal levels, be balanced, and feel like your best self.


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Pharmacy Partner #1 - 503A
Pure tirzepatide compounded with sterile water
Best Use By Date: Approx. 12 months

$549 for 30mg (1 vial - 3ml) lasts ~8 weeks
$799 for 60 mg (2 vials - 3ml) lasts a minimum of 12 weeks
$1099 for 90mg (3 vials - 3ml) lasts a minimum of 15 weeks
$1299 for 120mg (4 vials - 3ml) lasts 18+ weeks

Pharmacy Partner #2 - 503B
Pure tirzepatide compounded with Niacinamide
Best Use By Date: Approx. 5-6 Months

$828 for 68mg (1 vial - 4ml) lasts for ~13+ weeks
$1328 for 136mg (2 vial - 4ml) lasts for ~20+ weeks

Pharmacy Partner #3 - 503A
Pure tirzepatide compounded with sterile water
Best Use By Date: Approx. 90 Days

$797 for 60mg (1 vial - 3ml) lasts for ~12 weeks
$1297 for 120mg (2 vial - 3ml)**

Everything is included in the price!

*concentration (mg/ml) varies
*total mg per package remains the same
*BHH sells by the vial, not duration of time
*sale prices can not be combined with any other promotions
**For clients on 7.5mg + weekly

Dosing Guide

Click + for more information.

Accredited Pharmacy Provider #1 (Pure Tirzepatide CONCENTRATED at 5mg/.5ml compounded with sterile water)

WEEK 1 - 4

2.5mg or 25 units per week

WEEK 5-8

5.0mg or 50 units per week

WEEK 9 - 12

7.5mg or 75 units per week

WEEK 13 - 16

10mg or 100 units per week

WEEK 17+

12.5mg or 125 units per week

> 20 WEEKS

15mg or 150 units per week

WEEK 1 - 4

2.5mg or 15 units per week

WEEK 5-8

5.0mg or 30 units per week

WEEK 9 - 12

7.5mg or 45 units per week

WEEK 13 - 16

10mg or 60 units per week

WEEK 17+

12.5mg or 75 units per week

> 20 WEEKS

15mg or 90 units per week

WEEK 1 - 4

2.5mg or 12.5 units per week

WEEK 5-8

5.0mg or 25 units per week

WEEK 9 - 12

7.5mg or 37.5 units per week

WEEK 13 - 16

10mg or 50 units per week

WEEK 17+

12.5mg or 62.5 units per week

> 20 WEEKS

15mg or 75 units per week

For more information regarding our partner pharmacies, please reach out to info@balancedhormonehealth.com or contact us directly at 515-587-8649.

**The vial of Tirzepatide allows flexible dosing. For example: if you have been on that dose for 2 weeks, and you are still hungry and not having any adverse side effects, you may increase to the next dosage level. If you are NOT very hungry, you are losing weight, and not having any adverse side effects, you can remain at that dose until you have reached your desired weight loss goal.

What is Tirzepatide?

Tirzepatide is a peptide that was initially designed to treat Type-2 diabetes that can be used for weight loss. It replicates the GLP-1 and GIP that are naturally produced in the average body, and it triggers the pancreas to start producing insulin, and that lowers blood sugar levels.

Semaglutide, which is also offered by Balanced Hormone Health, started as a diabetes medicine, but its ability to curb appetite and help with obesity and weight loss led to it being studied as a potential weight loss drug. 

Whether you’re struggling to maintain safe blood sugar levels, or you simply need help with your weight loss journey, Tirzepatide therapy might be a valid option for you.

Tirzepatide can lower blood sugar, reduce hunger, and promote overall health and wellness in a variety of situations. Contact Balanced Hormone Health today to start your therapy.