Achieve optimal levels, be balanced, and feel like your best self.
Customized plans designed specifically for your body type.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO - BHRT for Women
Pricing Plans:
Initial month fee is $199
(i.e. $199 for the first month, then $124, $149, or $174 for the second and all following months.)
*pay for labs as needed (discounted labs at LabCorp)
Lab Options:
1. Bring your own recent labs or request a free lab script
2. Discounted cash labs at LabCorp through BHH
3. Discounted lab kits and blood spot kits available at a discounted price (these are sent directly to your home)

Patches (cost will be determined upon need)
Thyroid (free scripts to be filled at your pharmacy or can purchase through us)
We've done our research, and you're encouraged to do the same.
Click here to visit our resources page for more information on BHRT.
What is BHRT?

Hormone replacement therapy is a crucial part of many women’s lives, but there are actually two forms of it. First, there’s your standard HRT which simply uses hormone replacements to return balance to your body’s hormone levels.
However, there is also BHRT in Colorado Springs, CO. BHRT, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, is similar, but it utilizes hormones that are molecularly identical to the ones your body produces naturally.
As such, BHRT is also commonly called “natural hormone therapy”. However, BHRT products are lab-produced. They simply match the molecular makeup of the body’s natural hormones, and this is believed to be a more natural approach to therapy.
This treatment in Colorado Springs, CO is meant to replace the hormones that tend to decline in production as a woman ages. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are the three specific hormones targeted with these treatments.
BHRT in Colorado Springs, CO is used to help reverse the onset of a multitude of female-oriented health issues, and it’s known to provide meaningful, positive, life-changing results.
BHRT for Women in Colorado Springs, CO
BHRT can help with some of the most common issues that women face. While it can be used to help women in specific circumstances, its main use is in women who are starting to feel the effects of lower hormone levels as they age.
As you age, your levels of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone begin to decline. Many woman will start noticing these changes in their mid 30’s.
With hormone imbalance/decline in your hormone levels, you will start to feel hot flashes, vaginal dryness, lack of sex drive, night sweats, and even enhanced bone loss that, while normal with aging is accelerated with a hormone imbalance.
These are all common symptoms of perimenopause/menopause that leave women struggling to live a normal life for years, and BHRT can help reduce those symptoms dramatically. These symptoms are also common with hysterectomy patients, and the results are just as positive.
BHRT can also be used to help with weight loss, depression, and mood that comes from hormone imbalances.
BHRT/HRT solutions are proven, and they provide ample relief of the symptoms of those issues over time.
Typically, BHRT regimens will start once a medical professional identifies the problem and pinpoints the appropriate BHRT product required to resolve it. Then, regular treatments will be administered to provide ongoing relief of your hormone-related health concerns.
Usually, BHRT is an indefinite treatment; as normal bodily hormone production does not restart on its own.
BHRT telehealth services bring treatment to your home. Instead of having to travel to a doctor’s office for every checkup or medication administration, the medication is delivered directly to your door and all checkups or questions are handled remotely over a virtual platform.
Contact Balanced Hormone Health to start your treatment now!
Customized Treatment Plans in Colorado Springs, CO
How a BHRT treatment is delivered is just as important as getting it in the first place. There are several different delivery options available.
Here at Balanced Hormone Health we specialize in INJECTABLE bio-identical hormone replacement for women. As injections are the premiere delivery method. Providing the MOST stable-consistent dosing!Keeping your levels in a youthful state!
The amount of BHRT delivered by any method also varies dramatically. This is because the degree of hormonal decline varies from woman to woman, and we look to provide the right hormone replacement therapy for each patient.
As such, this is a treatment where dosing needs to be determined by a trained professional. Balanced Hormone Health is here to help.
We offer the finest bioidentical hormone replacement therapy available with a focus on telehealth delivery methods that make it easy. Our professionals can determine the right BHRT treatment for you and supply it.